100% Joint Venture funding up to £7 million:
This lender is based in Yorkshire. If the loan required is no more than £7 million, the project is within two hours drive of Sheffield and the project pre-finance profit is 29% of the gross development value, then this lender will provide 100% funding on a profit share basis.
100% Joint Venture Funding up to £2.5 million:
If the project costs equate to no more than £2.5 million, even though the developer may have little or no experience of development this lender will provide 100% funding for the project. Please note that the profit before costs must be 29% of the gross development value.
90% of the Equity Required:
This institution will sit behind a senior debt provider and advance up to 90% of the equity required on a profit share basis. The maximum advance is £1 million.
Private Investor Says "Developer Pays Only the Valuation and Legals":
This investor will sit behind a senior debt provider and provide the equity shortfall. The sweet spots are between £250,000 and £1 million for a maximum term of 24 months. In return, the investor requires to "double my money" i.e. invest £750,000 the investor needs £750,000 profit.
98% Loan to Costs:
This investor will sit behind a deposit taking senior debt provider and provide sufficient funds to cover up to 98% of the total project costs. The maximum advance by the investor is £2 million.
The South and South East:
This private investor will sit behind a senior debt provider and invest sufficient funds to cover the equity shortfall. The investor requires a profit share of 50%. The maximum investment is £2 million.
A Proactive Family Office:
Will sit behind a senior debt provider and provide up to £2 million to ensure that the developer has 100% funding to progress a project. The family office requires 50% of the project profits.
Institutional Funding up to £7 million:
This institution will provide up to £7 million in equity funding to sit behind a senior debt provider and ensure the developer has 100% funding. This lender will take a profit share but not necessarily 50%. Finally, if the project is build to rent, this lender can consider buying the completed project for their portfolio.
Big Deals don't Frighten us:
This institution will provide 80% of the equity required. For example: A project has total costs of £25 million. A senior debt provider advances £20 million. Therefore, there is an equity shortfall of £5 million. In turn, if the developer can input £1 million, this institution will provide the £4 million on the basis that the institution will charge a coupon of 20% and 50% of the project profits.